2 "Tre Stelle"(***) - 6 "Due Stelle"(**) 39 "Una Stella"(*)

Guida Michelin San Francisco (Stato di California) 2012 (25 Ottobre 2011) Per maggiori informazioni sui Punteggi applicati dalla Guida Michelin clicca su: (http://www.giovannigandinithebestrestaurants.com/canale.asp?id=4865)
I Ristoranti con le "Tre Stelle" si confermano a 2 I ristoranti The French Laundry (Yountville) di Thomas Keller e Corey Lee e The Restaurant at Meadowood (Saint Helena) di Christopher Kostow. I Ristoranti con le "Due Stelle" salgono da 3 a 6 Salgono da "Una Stella" i ristoranti Baumé (Palo Alto) di Bruno Chemel e Saison (San Francisco) di Joshua Skenes e conquista subito le "Due Stelle" il ristorante Benu (San Francisco) di Corey Lee. I Ristoranti con "Una Stella" si confermano 39 Entrano 5 nuovi ristoranti e perdono la "Stella" 3 ristoranti.

Baumé (Palo Alto)
TRE STELLE (2) The French Laundry Thomas Keller e Corey Lee (www.frenchlaundry.com) Cucina Contemporanea 6640 Washington St.USA - Yountville, CA 94599
The Restaurant at Meadowood Christopher Kostow (www.meadowood.com) Cucina Contemporanea 900 Meadowood Ln. USA - Saint Helena, CA 94574 DUE STELLE (6) Baumé (sale da "Una Stella") Bruno Chemel (www.baumerestaurant.com) Cucina Contemporanea 201 S. California Ave. USA - Palo Alto, CA 94306
Benu (new entry) Corey Lee (www.benusf.com) Cucina Contemporanea 22 Hawthorne St.USA - San Francisco, CA 94105
Coi Daniel Patherson (www.coirestaurant.com) Cucina Contemporanea 373 Broadway USA - San Francisco, CA 94133
Cyrus Douglas Keane (www.cyrusrestaurant.com) Cucina Contemporanea 29 North St. - Healdsburg, CA 95448 Manresa David Kinch (www.manresarestaurant.com) Cucina Contemporanea 320 Village Ln. USA - South Bay Los Gatos, CA 95030 Saison (sale da "Una Stella") Joshua Skenes (www.saisonsf.com) Cucina Californiana 2124 Folsom St. USA - San Francisco, CA 94110 UNA STELLA (39)
Acquerello Suzette Gresham (www.acquerello.com) Cucina Italiana 1722 Sacramento St. USA - San Francisco, CA 94109
Alexander's Steakhouse Jeffrey Stout (www.alexanderssteakhouse.com) Cucina Steakhouse 10330 N. Wolfe Rd. USA - Cupertino, CA 95014
Ame Hiro Sone e Lissa Doumani (www.amerestaurant.com) Cucina Contemporanea 689 Mission St. USA - San Francisco, CA 94105
Applewood Bruce Frieseke (www.applewoodinn.com) Cucina Californiana 13555 Hwy. 116 USA - Guerneville, CA 95446
Atelier Crenn (new entry) Dominique Crenn (www.ateliercrenn.com) Cucina Contemporanea 3127 Fillmore St. USA - San Francisco, CA 94123
Auberge du Soleil Robert Curry (www.aubergedusoleil.com) Cucina Californiana 180 Rutherford Hill Rd. USA - Rutherford, CA 94573
Aziza Mourad Lahlou (www.aziza-sf.com) Cucina Marocchina 5800 Geary Blvd. USA - San Francisco, CA 94121
Bouchon Thomas Keller e Michael Sandoval (www.bouchonbistro.com) Cucina Francese 6534 Washington St. USA - Yountville, CA 94599
Boulevard Nancy Oakes (www.boulevardrestaurant.com) Cucina Californiana 1 Mission St. USA - San Francisco, CA 94105
Campton Place Srijith Gopinathan (www.camptonplacesf.com) Cucina Contemporanea 340 Stockton St. USA - San Francisco, CA 94108
Chez TJ Scott Nishiyama (www.cheztj.com) Cucina Contemporanea 938 Villa St. USA - Mountain View, CA 94041
Commis James Syhabout (www.commisrestaurant.com) Cucina Contemporanea 3859 Piedmont Ave. USA - Oakland, CA 94611
Dio Deka Salvatore Calisi (www.diodeka.com) Cucina Greca 210 E. Main St. USA - Los Gatos, CA 95030
étoile Perry Hoffman (www.chandon.com) Cucina Contemporanea 1 California Dr. USA - Yountville, CA 94599
Farmhouse Inn & Restaurant Steve Litke (www.farmhouseinn.com) Cucina Californiana 7871 River Rd. USA - Forestville, CA 95436
Fleur de Lys Hubert Keller (www.fleurdelyssf.com) Cucina Francese 777 Sutter St. USA - San Francisco, CA 94109
Frances Melissa Perello (www.frances-sf.com) Cucina Californiana 3870 17th St. USA - San Francisco, CA 94114
Gary Danko Gary Danko (www.garydanko.com) Cucina Contemporanea 800 North Point St. USA - San Francisco, CA 94109
La Costanera (new entry) Carlos Altamirano (www.lacostanerarestaurant.com) Cucina Peruviana 8150 Cabrillo Hwy., San Francisco, CA 94037
La Folie Roland Passot (www.lafolie.com) Cucina Francese 2316 Polk St. USA - San Francisco, CA 94109
La Toque Ken Frank (www.latoque.com) Cucina Contemporanea 1314 McKinstry St. USA - Napa, CA 94559
Luce Dominique Crenn (www.lucewinerestaurant.com) Cucina Contemporanea 888 Howard St. USA - San Francisco, CA 94103
Madera Peter Rudolph (www.maderasandhill.com) Cucina Contemporanea 2825 Sand Hill Rd. USA - Menlo Park, CA 94025
Madrona Manor Jesse Mallgren (www.madronamanor.com) Cucina Contemporanea 1001 Westside Rd. USA - Healdsburg, CA 95448
Masa's Gregory Short (www.masasrestaurant.com) Cucina Contemporanea 648 Bush St. USA - San Francisco, CA 94108
Michael Mina (new entry) Michael Mina (www.michaelmina.net) Cucina Contemporanea 252 California St. USA - San Francisco, CA 94102
One Market Mark Dommen (www.onemarket.com) Cucina Californiana 1 Market St. USA - San Francisco, CA 94105
Plumed Horse Peter Armellino (www.plumedhorse.com) Cucina Contemporanea 14555 Big Basin Way USA - Saratoga, CA 95070
Quince Michael Tusk (www.quincerestaurant.com) Cucina Italiana 470 Pacific Ave. USA - San Francisco, CA 94133
Redd Richard Reddington (www.reddnapavalley.com) Cucina Contemporanea 6480 Washington St. USA - Yountville, CA 94599
Santé Andrew Cain (www.fairmont.com/sonoma) Cucina Californiana 100 Boyes Blvd. USA - Sonoma, CA 95476
Solbar Brandon Sharp (www.solagecalistoga.com) Cucina Californiana 755 Silverado Trail USA - Calistoga, CA 94515
Sons & Daughters (new entry) Matt McManara e Teague Moriarty (www.sonsanddaughterssf.com) Cucina Contemporanea 708 Bush St. USA - San Francisco, CA 94108 Spruce Mark Sullivan (www.sprucesf.com) Cucina Mediterranea 3640 Sacramento St. USA - San Francisco, CA 94118
Terra Hiro Sone (www.terrarestaurant.com) Cucina Contemporanea 1345 Railroad Ave. USA - Saint Helena, CA 94574
Terrapin Creek (new entry) Andrew Truong (www.terrapincreekcafe.com) Cucina Californiana 1580 Eastshore Rd. USA - Bodega Bay, CA 94923
Ubuntu Aaron London (www.ubuntunapa.com) Cucina Vegetariana 1140 Main St. USA - Napa, CA 94559
The Village Pub Mark Sullivan (www.thevillagepub.net) Cucina Gastropub 2967 Woodside Rd. USA - Woodside, CA 94062
Wakuriya Katsuhiro e Mayumi Yamasaki (www.wakuriya.com) Cucina Giapponese 115 De Anza Blvd. USA - San Mateo, CA 94402 Escono The Dining Room at The Ritz-Carlton (aveva "Una Stella") Ron Siegel (www.ritzcarltondiningroom.com) Cucina Contemporanea 600 Stockton St. USA - San Francisco, CA 94108 Mirepoix (aveva "Una Stella") Matthew Bousquet (www.restaurantmirepoix.com) Cucina Francese 275 Windsor River Rd. USA - Windsor, CA 95492
Murray Circle (aveva "Una Stella") Joseph Humphrey (www.murraycircle.com) Cucina Californiana 601 Murray Circle USA - Sausalito, CA 94965