 GAYOT’s 2018 Annual Restaurant Awards (Top 40 Restaurants in the U.S.)

Best Restaurateur 2018 - Nobuyuki Matsuhisa

Daniel (New York - NY)

The French Laundry (Yountville - CA)

Joël Robuchon Restaurant (Las Vegas - NV)

Restaurant Guy Savoy (Las Vegas - NV)

Per Se (New York - NY)
Top 40 Restaurants in the U.S. 2018 (19 Dicembre 2018) Per una maggiore comprensione dei punteggi applicati dalla Guida clicca su: (http://www.giovannigandinithebestrestaurants.com/canale.asp?id=5283)
Daniel (New York - NY) Daniel Boulud (www.danielnyc.com) The French Laundry (Yountville - CA) Thomas Keller (www.thomaskeller.com/tfl) Joël Robuchon Restaurant (Las Vegas - NV) Christophe De Lellis (www.mgmgrand.com/en/restaurants/joel-robuchon-french-restaurant.html) Restaurant Guy Savoy (Las Vegas - NV) Julien Asseo (www.caesars.com/caesars-palace/restaurants/guy-savoy#.Wlco32aWz4Z) (sale da 18/ventesimi) Per Se (New York - NY) Thomas Keller e Corey Chow (www.thomaskeller.com/perseny)
18/ventesimi Alinea (Chicago - IL) Grant Achatz (https://alinearestaurant.com) Chef Mavro (Honolulu - HI) George Mavrothalassitis (www.chefmavro.com) Eleven Madison Park (New York - NY) Daniel Humm (www.elevenmadisonpark.com) The Inn at Little Washington (Washington - VA) Patrick O'Connell (https://theinnatlittlewashington.com/restaurant) Jean-Georges (New York - NY) Jean Georges Vongerichten (www.jean-georgesrestaurant.com) Le Bernardin (New York - NY) Eric Ripert (www.le-bernardin.com) Mélisse (Santa Monica - CA) Josiah Citrin e Ken Takayama (www.melisse.com) Patina (Los Angeles - CA) Joachim Splichal (www.patinagroup.com/patina-restaurant?utm_source=forwarding_domain&utm_medium=direct&utm_campaign=patinarestaurant.com) Picasso (Las Vegas - NV) Julian Serrano (www.bellagio.com/en/restaurants/picasso.html) The Restaurant at Meadowood (St. Helena - CA) Christopher Kostow (www.therestaurantatmeadowood.com) Saison (San Francisco - CA) Joshua Skenes (www.saisonsf.com)
17/ventesimi Addison (San Diego - CA) William Bradley (www.addisondelmar.com) Atelier Crenn (San Francisco - CA) Dominique Crenn (www.ateliercrenn.com) Atera (New York - NY) Ronny Emborg (http://ateranyc.com) (new entry) Everest (Chicago - IL) Jean Joho (www.everestrestaurant.com) Frasca Food and Wine (Boulder - CO) Lachlan Mackinnon-Patterson (frascafoodandwine.com) Gabriel Kreuther (New York - NY) Gabriel Kreuther (www.gknyc.com) George Trois (Winnetka - IL) Michael Lachowicz (http://www.georgetrois.com) (new entry) L'Espalier (Boston - MA) Frank McClelland (www.lespalier.com) Manresa (Los Gatos - CA) David Kinch (www.manresarestaurant.com) Menton (Boston - MA) Barbara Lynch (www.mentonboston.com) Naoe (Miami - FL) Kevin Cory (www.naoemiami.com) Providence (Los Angeles - CA) Michael Cimarusti (http://providencela.com) Restaurant Eugene (Atlanta - GA) Linton Hopkins (www.restauranteugene.com) (new entry) Restaurant Nicholas (Red Bank - NJ) Nicholas Harary (www.restaurantnicholas.com) SingleThread Farm Restaurant – Inn (Healdsburg - CA) Kyle Connaughton (www.singlethreadfarms.com) Vetri (Philadelphia - PA) Marc Vetri (https://vetricucina.com) Vie (Western Springs - IL) Paul Virant (www.vierestaurant.com) The Willows Inn (Lummi Island - WA) Blaine Wetzel (www.willows-inn.com/dining) DUE CAPPELLI
16/ventesimi Aubergine (Carmel - CA) Justin Cogley (http://auberginecarmel.com) Blue Hill at Stone Barns (Tarrytown - NY) Dan Barber (www.bluehillfarm.com/dine/stone-barns) La Folie (San Francisco - CA) Roland Passot (www.lafolie.com) La Toque (Napa - CA) Ken Frank (http://latoque.com) Michael Mina (San Francisco - CA) Michael Mina (www.michaelmina.net/restaurants/san-francisco-bay-area/michael-mina) Twist by Pierre Gagnaire (Las Vegas - NV) Pierre Gagnaire e Frederic Don (www.mandarinoriental.com/las-vegas/the-strip/fine-dining/restaurants/french-cuisine/twist-by-pierre-gagnaire) Escono (avevano 17/ventesimi) Georgian Room (Sea Island - GA) Julian Scheibel (www.seaisland.com/dining/georgian-room) (new entry) Grace (Chicago - IL) Curtis Duffy Studio (Laguna Beach - CA) Craig Strong (www.montagehotels.com/lagunabeach/dining/studio/about)
