5 "Tre Stelle"(***) - 6 "Due Stelle"(**) 44 "Una Stella"(*) 
Guida Michelin New York City (Stato di New York) 2010 (5 Ottobre 2009) Per maggiori informazioni sui Punteggi applicati dalla Guida Michelin clicca su: (http://www.giovannigandinithebestrestaurants.com/canale.asp?id=4865)
I Ristoranti con le "Tre Stelle" salgono da 4 a 5 Si confermano i ristoranti Jean Georges (New York), Le Bernardin (New York) di Eric Ripert, Masa (New York) di Masa Takayama e Per Se (New York) di Thomas Keller e sale dalle "Due Stelle" il ristorante Daniel (New York) di Daniel Boulud. I Ristoranti con le "Due Stelle" scendono da 7 a 6 Conquista entrambe le "Due Stelle" il ristorante Corton (New York) di Paul Liebrandt e sale da "Una Stella" il ristorante Alto (New York) di Michael White. Perdono le "Due Stelle" e scendono ad "Una Stella" i ristoranti Adour (New York) e Del Posto (New York). I Ristoranti con "Una Stella" salgono da 31 a 44 Entrano 17 nuovi ristoranti, tra cui la re-entry del ristorante A Voce Columbus (New York) della chef Missy Robbins. Perdono la "Stella" 5 ristoranti.

Daniel (New York City, New York)
Daniel (sale dalle "Due Stelle") Daniel Boulud (www.danielnyc.com) Cuisine French 60 E. 65th St., New York 10065 - Tel. 1212 2880033
Jean Georges Jean Georges Vongerichten e Mark Lapico (www.jean-georges.com) Cuisine French 1 Central Park West, New York 10023 - Tel. 1212 2993900
Le Bernardin Eric Ripert (www.le-bernardin.com) Cuisine Seafood 155 W. 51st St., New York 10019 - Tel. 1212 5541515
Masa Masa Takayama (www.masanyc.com) Cuisine Japanese 10 Columbus Circle, New York 10019 - Tel. 1212 8239807
Per Se Thomas Keller (www.perseny.com) Cuisine Italian 10 Columbus Circle, New York 10019 - Tel. 1212 8239335
DUE STELLE (6) Alto (sale da "Una Stella") Michael White (www:altorestaurant.com) Cuisine Italian 11 E. 53th St. USA - New York, NY 10022 - Tel. 1212 3081099
Corton (new entry) Paul Liebrandt (www.cortonnyc.com) Cuisine Contemporary 239 West Broadway USA - New York, NY 10013 - Tel. 1212 2192777
Gilt Justin Bogle (www.giltnewyork.com) Cuisine Contemporary 455 Madison Ave. USA - New York, NY 10022 - Tel. 1212 8918100
Gordon Ramsay at The London Markus Glocher (www.gordonramsey.com) Cuisine Contemporary 151 W. 54th St. USA - New York, NY 10019 - Tel. 1212 4688889
Momofuku Ko David Chang (www.momofuku.com) Cuisine Contemporary 163 First Ave. USA - New York, NY 10003 - Tel. 1212 2038095
Picholine Carmine Di Giovanni (www.shoshaunhergatt.com) Cuisine Mediterranean 354 W. 64th St. USA - New York, NY 10023 - Tel. 1212 7248585
UNA STELLA (44) Adour (scende dalle "Due Stelle") Didier Elena (www.adour-stregis.com) Cuisine Contemporary 2 E. 55th St. USA - New York, NY 10022 - Tel. 1212 7102277
A Voce Columbus (new entry) Missy Robbins (www.avocerestaurant.com) Cuisine Italian 10 Columbus Circle USA - New York, NY 10019 - Tel. 1212 8232523
Annisa Anita Lo (www.annisarestaurant.com) Cuisine Contemporary 13 Barrow St. USA - New York, NY 10014 - Tel. 1212 7416699
Anthos Michael Psilakis (www.anthosnyc.com) Cuisine Grek 36 W. 52nd St. USA - New York, NY 10019 - Tel. 1212 5826900
Aureole Christopher Lee (www.charliepalmer.com) Cuisine Contemporary 135 W. 42nd St., New York 10036 - Tel. 1212 3191660
Blue Hill Dan Barber (www.bluehillnyc.com) Cuisine American 75 Washington Pl. USA - New York, NY 10011 - Tel. 1212 5391776
Bouley (new entry) David Bouley (www.davidbouley.com) Cuisine Contemporary 163 Duane St. USA - New York, NY 10013 - Tel. 1212 9642525
Café Boulud Daniel Boulud (www.danielnyc.com) Cuisine French 20 E. 76th St., New York 10021 - Tel. 1212 7722600
Casa Mono (new entry) Andy Nusser (www.casamononyc.com) Cuisine Spanish 52 Irving Pl. USA - New York, NY 10003 - Tel. 1212 2532773
Convivio (new entry) Michael White (www.convivionyc.com) Cuisine Italian 45 Tudor City Pl. USA - New York, NY 10017 - Tel. 1212 5995045
Del Posto (scende dalle "Due Stelle") Mark Ladner (www.delposto.com) Cuisine Italian 85 Tenth Ave. USA - New York, NY 10011 - Tel. 1212 4978090
Dressler Polo Dobkin (www.dresslernyc.com) Cuisine American 149 Broadway USA - New York, NY 11211 - Tel. 718 3846343
eighty one Ed Brown Cuisine American 45 W. 81st St. New York, NY 10024 - Tel. 1212 8738181
Eleven Madison Park (new entry) Daniel Humm (www.elevenmadisonpark.com) Cuisine Contemporary 11 Madison Ave. USA - New York, NY 10010 - Tel. 1212 8890905
Etats-Unis 242 E 81st St, New York, NY 10028 - Tel. 1212 5178826
Gotham Bar and Grill Aldred Portale (www.gothambarandgrill.com) Cuisine Contemporary 12 E. 12th St., New York 10003 - Tel. 1212 6204020
Gramercy Tavern Michael Anthony (www.gramercytavern.com) Cuisine Contemporary 42 E. 20th St., New York 10003 - Tel. 1212 4770777
Insieme Marco Canora e Paul Grieco Cuisine Italian 777 7th Ave, New York, NY 10019 - Tel. 1212 5821310
Jewel Bako Jewel Bako (www.jewelbakosushi.com) Cuisine Japanese 239 E. 5th St., New York 10003 - Tel. 1212 9791012
Kajitsu (new entry) Masato Nishihara (www.kajitsunyc.com) Cuisine Japanese 414 E. 9th St. USA - New York, NY 10009 - Tel. 1212 2284873
Kyo Ya Chikara Sono Cuisine Japanese 94 E. 7th St. USA - New York, NY 10009 - Tel. 1212 9824140
L'Atelier de Joel Robuchon Xavier Boyer (www.fourseasons.com/newyork) Cuisine Contemporary 57 E. 57th St. USA - New York, NY 10022 - Tel. 1212 8293844
Marc Forgione (new entry) Larry Forgione (www.marcforgione.com) Cuisine American 134 Reade St. USA - New York, NY 10013 - Tel. 1212 9419401
Marea (new entry) Michael White (www.marea-nyc.com) Cuisine Seafood 240 Central Park S, New York, NY 10019 - Tel. 1212 5825100
Minetta Tavern (new entry) Keith Mcnally (www.minettatavernny.com) Cuisine Gastropub 113 MacDougal St. USA - New York, NY 10012 - Tel. 1212 4753850
The Modern Gabriel Kreuther (www.themodernnyc.com) Cuisine Contemporary 9 W. 53rd St. USA - New York, NY 10019 - Tel. 1212 3331220
Oceana Ben Pollinger (www.livanosrestaurantgroup.com) Cuisine Seafood 1221 Sixth Ave. USA - New York, NY 10020 - Tel. 1212 7595941
Perry Street (www.perrystrestaurant.com) 176 Perry St, New York, NY 10014 - Tel. 1212 3521900
Peter Luger (www.peterluger.com) Cuisine Steakhouse 178 Broadway, New York 11211 - Tel. 1718 3877400
Public Brad Farmerie (www.public-nyc.com) Cuisine Fusion 210 Elizabeth St. USA - New York, NY 10012 - Tel. 1212 3437011
Rhong-Tian (new entry) (www.rhongtiamnyc.com) Cuisine Thai 31 E 21st St, New York, NY 10010 - Tel. 1212 4207500
River Café (new entry) Michael O'Keefe (www.rivercafe.com) Cuisine Contemporary 1 Water St. USA - New York, NY 11201 - Tel. 1718 5225200
Rouge Tomate (new entry) Jeremy Bearman (www.rougetomatenyc.com) Cuisine Contemporary 10 E. 60th St. USA - New York, NY 10022 - Tel. 1646 2378977
Saul Saul Bolton Cuisine Contemporary 140 Smith St. USA - New York, NY 11201 - Tel. 1718 2300897
Seäsonal (new entry) Eduard Frauneder (www.seasonalnyc.com) Cuisine Austrian 132 W. 58th St. USA - New York, NY 10019 - Tel. 1212 9575550
Shalezeh (new entry) San Sethachutkul Cuisine Persian 1420 Third Ave. USA - New York, NY 10028 - Tel. 1212 2880012
SHO Shaun Hergatt (new entry) Shaun Hergatt (www.shoshaunhergatt.com) Cuisine Contemporary 40 Broad St. USA - New York, NY 10004 - Tel. 1212 8093993
Soto (new entry) Sotohiro Kosugi Cuisine Japanese 357 Sixth Ave. USA - New York, NY 10014 - Tel. 1212 4143088
Spotted Pig April Bloomfield (www.thespottedpig.com) Cuisine Gastropub 314 W. 11th St. USA - New York, NY 10014 - Tel. 1212 6200393
Sushi Azabu (new entry) Mkio Yoshida Cuisine Japanese 428 Greenwich St. USA - New York, NY 10013 - Tel. 1212 2740428
Sushi of Gari Masatoshi "Gari" Sugio (www.sushiofgari.com) Cuisine Japanese 402 E. 78th St. USA - New York, NY 10021 - Tel. 1212 5175340
Veritas Gregory Pugin (www.veritas-nyc.com) Cuisine Contemporary 43 E. 20th St. USA - New York, NY 10003 - Tel. 1212 3533700
Wallsé Kurt Gutenbrunner (www.wallse.com) Cucina Austrian 344 W. 11th St., New York 10014 - Tel. 1212 3522300
wd~50 Wylie Dufresne (www.wd-50.com) Cuisine Contemporary 50 Clinton St. USA - New York, NY 10002 - Tel. 1212 4772900 Escono Allen & Delancey 115 Allen St, New York, NY 10002 - Tel. 1212 253-5400
Cru Cuisine European 24 5th Ave New York, NY 10011 - Tel. 212 5291700
Fiamma Osteria Cuisine Italian 206 Spring St New York, NY 10012 - Tel. 212 3310328
Fleur de Sel Cyril Renaud 5 E 20th St, New York, NY 10003 - Tel. 1212 4609100
JoJo (www.jojorestaurantnyc.com) 160 E 64th St, New York, NY 10065 - Tel. 1212 2235656